📚 What We're Reading at the Studio 📚

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Rory Gilmore Reading


Today is National Book Lovers Day and it's safe to say we've accumulated quite the list of must-reads over the course of the summer! While our days spent reading poolside are coming to the close, our reading list will keep you entertained through the rest of the year! Plus, we've included a few of our fave magazines, articles, and podcasts just in case that's more your style.



Southern Solstice by Sarah Sadler


 Sarah Sadler's Southern Solstice


"I love any good chick lit and reading this one was the highlight of my summer! You'll follow the story of Charleston socialite, Larken, as she navigates through her love life, family woes, and a new career." - Morgan W., Apex Store Manager + Marketing and E-Commerce Assistant




Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani


Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani


"You are pulled into the world of mild-mannered pharmacist Ave Maria and her life in small-town Virginia so seamlessly it feels like coming home. As Ave Maria discovers a family secret that will change her life forever, you are taken on a journey of romance, adventure, heartache, and friendship. Once you devour this novel, don't worry - there are 3 more books in the series!" - Brittany P., Customer Experience Specialist




Celebrity Gossip Magazines 


OK! Magazine

 Talk about a throwback! This is when our monogram sunglasses were featured in OK! Magazine back in 2014...


"One of my guilty pleasures is poring over celeb gossip mags on the beach with a cocktail. It's awful to admit, but it's just something me and my best friend have done for years. That's the only time I will buy them!" - Kate P., Director of Wholesale




The Boy Who Played with Fusion: Extreme Science, Extreme Parenting, and How to Make a Star by Tom Clynes


The Boy Who Played with Fusion


"Believe it or not, this is an eye-opening parenting book! I picked it up because I have a fondness for subatomic particles and nuclear physics and I loved this boy's TED talk when he was a young teen. I couldn't put it down because the family dynamics and parenting dilemmas were mesmerizing. Parents and anyone in the field of education should read this book. Everyone else should read this book because it's astounding." - Laura G., Director of E-Commerce




Up and Vanished and Almost Famous Podcast 


Almost Famous Podcast

Up and Vanished Podcast


"Going to be honest, I don't really read anything but the Bible and daily devotionals. But, I absolutely love podcasts and my list has grown over the past year so it's hard to choose but I love anything true crime related and have a guilty pleasure for the Almost Famous Podcast (shoutout to Bachelor nation)" - Ashley M., Marketing + Brand Manager




The Ice Dragon and A Song of Ice and Fire Series - George RR Martin 


The Ice Dragon


"I need the escape into fantasy now more than ever...During the long hiatus from the Game of Thrones series on HBO, I'm rereading the books as well as a few others by GRR Martin. The Ice Dragon is a young adult novel set in a roughly similar world and has lovely illustrations. My fall read will be Ronan Farrow's new book- War on Peace-The End of Diplomacy and the Decline of American Influence." - Jane M., Director of Distribution + Logistics




Crime Junkie Podcast


Crime Junkie Podcast


"My current go-to for a true crime fix! The storytelling is great. Ashley and Brit are longtime best friends, which make their conversations so enjoyable. It is still a bit spooky though!" - Laura W., Wholesale Accounts Manager



@chrissyteigen on Twitter


Chrissy Teigen


"I don't read (sorry mom!) but scrollin' through the memes on twitter gives me life! If you don't follow Chrissy Teigen on twitter, you're missing out!" - Savannah B., Production Manager



S-Town Podcast


S-Town Podcast


"May not sound exciting, but I really enjoy catching up on articles that I've saved throughout the week related to things happening in the market, social media, retail and wholesale businesses, and ecommerce. I also just started the podcast S-Town and I'm already hooked!" - Katie S., President



We hope you enjoy our Summer Reading List! What are some of your favorite books, magazine, articles, or podcasts? We'd love to hear them in the comments below! 


Thanks for stopping by!




Moon & Lola
















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